SKL Fertilizers is a leading Italian company in the nutrition market and biological plant protection with a strong international vocation. Over the years we have witnessed the constant growth that the company has brought to cross national borders. To date, the company has a dense network of distributors both in Italy and abroad. We are committed to researching increasingly technologically advanced solutions that respect human health and the environment.

Our catalog offers quality products for the well-being of plants — the so-called CROPS WELLNESS: Biostimulants, Nutrients, Basic Substances, Strengtheners, Fertirrigants, Organic Fertilizers. These are the basis of our production.
A complete state-of-the-art remote monitoring DSS system allows technicians and producers easy and precise control of insects and plant diseases 24 hours a day, thanks to numerous and updated predictive models of the most common plant diseases (downy mildew, powdery mildew, and grapevine mold, olive peacock eye, moniliasis of drupes).

We boast a production plant of 4,000 square meters and two advanced analysis and research laboratories: one for chemistry and one for biology where specialists from the Research and Development department work.
Key factor of the company's success is represented by the high competitiveness acquired over the years; thanks to direct production, we can offer products with an exceptional quality/price ratio and furthermore we provide highly specialized product customization services for the most demanding companies.